To:                              Future Oxfordshire Partnership

Title of Report:        Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership Annual Report

Date:                          28 November 2023

Report of:                 Emma Coles, OIEP Manager

Status:                       Open

Executive Summary and Purpose:
 This report presents the Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership (OIEP) Annual Report, which gives an overview of OIEP and highlights progress so far. Of note is the development of the OIEP Strategy 2023-26 and Delivery Plan 2023-24; implementation and wide uptake of the Inclusive Economy Charter; the establishment of the OIEP HR Network; and creation of four focussed working groups that enable partners to support one another delivering aspects of our aim and purpose.
 How this report contributes to the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision Outcomes:
 The OIEP contributes to the delivery of the following outcomes of the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision: 
 Outcome: Our residents will be healthier and happier, and overall wellbeing will have improved The outcomes of the OIEP will contribute to this priority enabling people to have better skills and education attainment to access employment opportunities etc.
 Outcome: Our local economy will be globally competitive, sustainable, diverse and inclusive: The aim of the OIEP is to create an environment and communities that can adapt to change, a region that is resilient in the face of shocks in the economy and a workforce that responds to different needs and different kinds of work in the future. The education and inclusive employment working groups contribute to this priority.
 Outcome: Our vibrant historic and cultural offer will be rich, diverse and enhanced
 The OIEP’s aim is to work together to create a more equal region that creates opportunities and benefits for all people within the county.
 1. That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership notes the progress described in the annual report
 2. That the Future Oxfordshire Partnership notes the importance of continuing to support the Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership, which helps to deliver several outcomes of the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision




1.     The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership is a county-wide group that brings together employers, business, education, community groups and local government – to share knowledge, expertise and resources, and create links between different areas of work.  Our aim is to work together to create a more equal region that creates opportunities and benefits for all people within the county.   Our focus is on tackling areas that really need attention, which will have impact and will really make a difference.


OIEP’s Annual Report


2.    This report gives an overview of OIEP and highlights progress so far. Of note is the development of the OIEP Strategy 2023-26 and Delivery Plan 2023-24; implementation and wide uptake of the Inclusive Economy Charter; the establishment of the OIEP HR Network; and creation of four focussed working groups that enable partners to support one another delivering aspects of our aim and purpose.


3.    The report also identifies key stakeholders and assesses the effectiveness of the governance and methods utilised by the partnership.


4.    The OIEP’s annual report evidences the strength and value of the partnership which has successfully leveraged additional resources from a number of sources.




5.    The OIEP is in the process of developing a new website, this will enable a bespoke approach to how we present and share information for the OIEP and will create a more interactive experience for users.


Financial Implications


6.    For 2022/23 and 2023/24, a Partnership Manager communications, governance and admin support is provided through contribution from a shared Partnership budget. 


Legal Implications


7.    There are no immediate legal implications associated with the content of this report.







8.    The report demonstrates that the Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership is a strong and valuable resource, which has successfully coalesced and leveraged additional resources from a number of sources. It also makes the case that there is a need for a continued, diversified and enlarged funding settlement in order to support the development of a more inclusive economy in Oxfordshire creating a more equal region by enabling opportunities and benefits for all people within the county. 


9.    Endorsement of the recommendations of the report would further enable Oxfordshire to achieve the shared priorities set out in its Strategic Vision.


Background Papers

1.    OIEP Strategy 2023-2026

2.    OIEP Delivery Plan 2023-24


Report Author: Emma Coles, Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership (OIEP) Manager – on behalf of: Baroness Jan Royall and Jeremy Long – co-chairs OIEP
 Contact information:
  Tel: 01865 252097